Okay, so this theory goes this way- we all are born with a specific body type. Call it body type or body frame, whatever, but it differs from person to person. And in reality you should be losing weight based on your body type rather than following the general rules on weight loss. So basically, there are three different body types and you may either have one specific body type or a combination of two or all. No need to worry on this. You just need the right exercises for your body type. So here are some ways to loose weight knowing your body type. But before that understand that knowing your body type is very important. Because if you know this, you can easily start on the exercises which will benefit you. It will also help in choosing the right diet for you.
So if you have more weight in the lower half, you will be needing some specific exercise which work good only for these areas. Similarly, if you have the mid area too heavy and so on. Mesomorphs are known to loose weight even while having a muscular body. The mesomorphs body type can loose weight quickly but will also regain weight quickly. So the mesomorphs body type needs to work on the combination of cardio and strength exercises. And when it comes to diet, a six mini protein rich meal for the day is good to go.
Ectomorphs body type are tall and thin with super-fast metabolism. Ectomorphs body type people should not burn muscles while exercising. They should in fact focus on a healthy yet balanced diet with consumption of limited fats. Strength training for four days and cardio for two days is good for a Ectomorphs body type. So people who have a Ectomorphs body type, they tend to store fats very easily on the hips and waistline. And then later, loosing weight is a battlefield. So people who have Ectomorphs body type could eat six small meals a day. But make sure you do the cardio exercise for one hour at least and for six days a week.
So now you may have know what body type you have or a combination of all. Despite having either or combination of the above mentioned body types, a healthy balance diet is a must. When we say healthy balanced diet, it should include vegetables, fruits and whole grains to some extend. And always always have a good night’s sleep. It will not only help you loose weight but also pumps up the energy the next day. Eight hours sleep is a must. Go get your bed ready for a nice sleep.