Makeup products are a tricky business, there is such wide range of all the kinds and brands of it that it’s difficult to choose between all of that. And our sin is the most important and yet the most sensitive part of the body, face being the most special one which is on display for 24*7 to all kinds of pollution, germs and other numerous dirt existing in our surrounding making it more and more sensitive to everything. We can’t just risk our facial skin with applying just any random makeup product and harming our skin. Every skin differs from others and thus, choosing your type of makeup after trials is always recommended.
Now Indian skin generally considered as the brown skin and thus, there was a time when people believed that blushes weren’t a thing for skins, but times have change and experiments and progress has come in the field of makeup too, thus resulting in better make up tutorials and blushes that are available for every skin colour.
Here POPxo shares with us, five blushes that cost under 500 and are just the perfect shades of pink which will hook you them without making a hole in your pockets.