Its just about the end of the year, and you have still not achieved your this year’s resolution to stay organized and be productive. Do not worry, in our opinion, the last couple of months of the year are the best for people like you and us who are only charged up about completing the tasks when the due date is hovering above our head. Though a year end is not exactly a due date, but technically it is.
Do not pressure yourselves down with the pressure of guilt of not being able to check off your resolutions. Lets at least appreciate your enthusiasm to make a list of some. So, what we do rather suggest is, start right away with your resolutions so that continuing them along with the coming year won’t be that difficult. Obviously, though starting now is not gonna be as easy again cause if it was then we do have achieved the goals by the mid of the year. But, we believe in the fact that the pressure and disappointment when directed the right way can bring out the best of results. So, lets not ponder over the past and start working on a plan.
In our experience, to achieve your year long goals it is important that being Organized must make to the top- most of your list. When, we say being organized, its a broad term which includes a lot of things in it, which are connected to each other.
Start by making lists, firstly the list of resolutions for the coming year and always keep being organized as your topmost priority followed by being productive. And let us warn you before hand, you are gonna make a lot of lists in the process. While making resolution’s lists always make two lists, one that includes all your Wants, it will include a lot of imaginary and practically difficult to achieve tasks and the second one must include the logic, where you put your brain to effort in making realistic goals, things that you can actually do and make your wishes come out in physicality.
Start with small steps, don’t challenge yourself to climb a mountain while you haven’t gone hiking in a while. So, instead give yourself the target to go hiking once a month or two. Always take help from technology, with this daily rapid progression in technology, there are http://pacificdreamscapes.com/ and N number of applications to help you with their assistance to stay organized. Following a journal of your own in physicality is one of the best way to stay organized. The effect of jotting down the mess going around in your head and seeing it on paper can’t be challenged by any technology.
Try knowing and tracking your daily actions, their frequency, the misgivings and everything– the good and the bad. Having Self awareness is one of the most important favor you do to yourself.
We hope that we were at least a little of help in the whole goal achieving process of yours, and stay around as we will keep coming up with more things to share. Stay positive, and never ever look down on yourself!