
4 Do-It-Yourself Face Masks


4 Do-It-Yourself Face Masks

Want to add life and glow back to your skin? These DIY face masks are the best solution!

1. Avocado Mask
Scoop out the avocado and mash it. Add one tablespoon of plain yogurt and/or honey to it and mix well to form a consistent mixture. Apply on face, avoiding the eyes.

2. Honey Mask
Add one tablespoon each of olive oil and honey to two teaspoons of lemon juice.

Beat in one egg yolk. Apply it to the face and keep it on for 20 mins before rinsing.

Before applying any mask, applying a warm, damp washcloth to the face to open the pores. After removing the mask, rinse with warm water, and then cold water to close the opened pores.

Anybody can use these two face masks, irrespective of their skin type.

3. Papaya Face Scrub
Exfoliation is very important for the rejuvenation of the skin. This tip will leave your skin feeling soft, fresh and supple.

Peel off a portion of ripe papaya and mash it with a fork to form a pulp. Add 1 teaspoon sugar and 2-3 teaspoons of ground oatmeal to it. Blend to form a thick paste. Massage into skin for several minutes. Allow it to dry and wash off.

4. Cocoa Butter Moisturizer
Melt two tablespoons cocoa butter over low heat. Separate one egg yolk and add to the butter. Add two tablespoons lemon juice. The perfect mask for dry skin is ready!


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